Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Oho, my loyal readers! An old two-part weblegend rears its ugly mug, yet again. I think everybody thought that this old thing had been thrown out the airlock long ago (taken out behind the barn and shot, same thing).

I'd been doing some research for this log and came across pages of hits on a websearch that were all fairly recent, all references to these 'facts'. Okay, it's human nature to believe what you're told when you trust the source, but these yarns have been debunked so many times that even Graham Hancock's ghost doesn't believe them anymore. (Look him up.)

Part 1:The Czech Probe

This was found in Mare Tranquilitatis, Luna in 2029, about 20 kilometers from Tranquility Base.

It was a, by then, electrically dead device, equipped with a dish antenna aimed at Earth and one facing out into the Big. About twice the size of the base of the LEM, It was made out of some pretty prosaic metals and alloys and some pretty interesting substances used as sheilding and insulation. Of course, the electronics were completely new to us, too. It made the news bigtime.

Otherwise well-informed websites are still saying that one of the pieces of evidence for the presence of the Thaiax in the solar system from well before the war is in reality a Czech space probe launched in, variously, 1972, 1978 or 1984. No. It's called evidence of Thaiax presence because it IS evidence of Thaiax presence.

Analysis of its exposed surfaces for exposure to cosmic rays indicate that it has been there since about 2000, and is the closest anything associated with the Thaiax has ever come to Earth, even during the wars.

Prague has posted notices several times on the national homepage that, much as they would like to claim credit for something like that, they can't. It would have been during the Soviet era, and what was then Czechoslovakia simply didn't have the technology. If you check it out, you'll find they provide a list of links to all sorts of pages about the Probe, from scientifically serious to woo-woo crazy.

One thing that's funny is that because this story was so prevalent ten years ago, even historians started calling it the Czech Probe, instead of its formal name, TMA 1.

Part 2:'Thaiax' is Czech for 'Alien'

Where do they come up with this stuff? The Czech for 'alien' or 'foreign' is zahranic'ni. I don't know how to pronounce it, but you can look it up if you want.

This probably is just an extension of the first part of the weblegend.

But do you really want to know why we call them Thaiax? Huh? Send me enough e-mails and I'll tell you.

No, that's cruel.

Hopefully you know that we've never ever talked to one. We don't know how they communicate with each other, and we honestly don't know if they've ever really tried to communicate with us, outside of the rebus they sent that ended the First Thaiax War. And that was just our own video sent back to us, played backwards; a human ship moving away from a Thaiax ship. You've all seen it.

So we don't know what they call themselves, or what they call us, for that matter. As far as physiology goes, there's lots of autopsy data and analysis/extrapolation on the bodies they have out at Ares 51, but you can look that up for yourselves.

So on to the name. This part, to me, is more interesting (read 'fun') than the very odd attribution of the probe to the Czechs. Go find a VR of the probe. If you don't have VR, find a 3D movie. Got one? Okay.

Bring the camera in so that it points straight on at the inscription on the band around the middle. It usually shows up as black on beige. Now, whichever media you're using, turn it upside down, or stand on your head. Rotate the image slowly from right to left. What you're looking at is what is believed to be an alphabetic sequence and that's all they're saying it might be. It could say the equivalent of 'McDonnell-Douglas' or 'GM' or it could say 'The Only Good Human Is A Dead Human!' We have no way of knowing. Yet.

As it rotates, you'll see a pair of wiggly exclamation marks. Just after that, you'll see a sequence of characters that look like distorted versions of the lower case Romans letters that spell 'Thaiax'. Seriously.

In 2032, at Giordano Bruno, one of the journalists attending the first conference noticed this and it stuck, just like 'the Czech Probe'.

Now I think I'm not anticipating the Admiral's coming autobiography by telling you that this discovery and the much later discovery of the Wreck were what inspired her to sign up with what was then the Guard. She'd been second officer on a nice Earth/Luna freight and immigrants loop, on a little ship called Bournville. Something about the undeniable presence of non-human sentients right at our own front door got to her, and she enlisted with what was then basically a UN police force and bodyguard for ships going out to Mars and the Asteroids. Check out her book when it's posted. She'll do a fine job of explaining herself, I'm sure.


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